“Stay” とどまる
To stay is to see where I am.
To see is to live. To live is my body.
Body knows everything.

Zen forms of seated place more emphasis on using your body to discover the truth about where your own body should be than they do on theoretical knowledge. This is the fact that motivates her Zen practice.

Daily Practice of Zen (date & time)
09.02 14:33-13:05 10.02 10:17-11:50 11.02 10:51-11:14
12.02 10:56-11:26 13.02 10:53-11:31 14.02 9:35-10:14
15.02 10:23-11:56 16.02 10:39-10:18 17.02 11:35-11:40
18.02 9:55-10:34 21.02 10:17-10:57 22.02 9:45-10:23
23.02 10:55-11:24 24.02 10:45-11:17 25.02 11:20-11:49
26.02 8:56-9:34 28.02 12:00-12:30 01.03 10:00-40:00 02.03 10:44-11:17 03.03 9:29-10:01 04.03 10:26-11:02
05.03 11:32-12:08 06.03 10:55-11:15 07.03 10:22-10:55
A daily Zen practice

After about 20 minutes, I began to experience numbness in my lower body, and my focus shifted to my body. After 30 minutes, my lower body began to vibrate slightly due to the cold outside and the numbness in my body. OnceI lost my concentration, I stopped. When I tried to empty my mind, distracting thoughts arose. And when I tried to let go again, my brain resisted and tried to control me.

For now, about 3 or 4 cm of snow has accumulated.
Because it was snowing today, the sound of the snow bothered me, making me think more deeply than usual. Before I knew it, my legs had gone numb, as they always do. After exactly 20 minutes, they were completely numb. I tried to relax my mind so that I could concentrate for another ten minutes, but my thoughts began to wander again.

Due to the heavy snowfall, I stayed home. I was barefoot and crossed my legs. After a few minutes, I started to experience numbness from my toes to my heels. I relaxed my shoulders and took a deep breath with my diaphragm. After that, I felt relaxed and pulled into the proper position, chin in, focusing on my torso and Tanden. Then I lost my focus, so that was all for that day.

I did not eat anything before sitting. All of my thoughts in life came to mind. I could not concentrate, so I tried to speak up. Ah. I took in deep breaths. After 20 minutes, my legs began to feel numb as usual, so I directed my energy to my body and continued for another 40 minutes.

After a cold shower, I had breakfast, and then I did Zen practice. I finished in 10 minutes because I was sleepy and unable to concentrate. What I regretted that day is that I ate breakfast before starting Zen practice. Even though a cold shower woke me up, putting food in my stomach would place a strain on my body. (but I'm not sure, you could also write "Even though the cold shower woke me up, eating made my body feel heavy.")

It was 0 degrees outside, but the snow had finally melted and the temperature was rising, so I decided to go outside. Surprisingly, I did not feel cold. After I finished, I felt cold.

I checked the time to see if it was about the same as the other days, and it was exactly 40 minutes. I was starting to get the hang of things.

It was extremely difficult to become unconscious, so I tried to be in a neutral state, like a relaxed state. Then my eyes would naturally open halfway. In the middle of the process, I could almost feel the birds' singing entering my body.

Day9 ..
Rina Kawai

➡︎ linktr.ee/rinakawai_artworks

The title "Stay" refers to the Zen philosophical practice of seating on the ground.

I have been researching Zen meditation since I realized that making paintings is as close a bodily experience to Zen as possible. The body is an essential material for painting.

And this is the forest where I practice. It has been my new home since I moved from Japan to Berlin, Germany.

This video is an actual practice of Zen, 'Daily practice of Zen'.

Forcing on physical and mental practice.

The work which is drawn by a human exists because the human has a body. The body has consciousness.

What is in front of you?
What is consciousness?
What is the body?
What is the mind?

In this GlogauAIR project, I’d like to create 1000 cm drawings in conjunction with my daily Zen practice.
I previously worked on a series of 1000 drawings that were exhibited in Japan, so this is the second phase of my Zen practice.